
Showing posts from August, 2021

Feeling Lucky

I got a call from my literary agent the other day. Such a wonderful surprise. I hadn't heard from her for a while - life got in the way, as it so often does - and here she was, breezy, chirpy and above all else confident. There is something about someone else's confidence in you to give you confidence in yourself. Writers, probably more than any other profession, get many knocks, over and over and over again. Self belief is paramount and you just have to learn to get up again, do the proverbial dusting off, the type of dusting off that is definitely harder than the housework which I absolutely loathe. It helps so much if someone not only says kind things about your work but really really really good things like 'one of the best things in my last ten years',' it made me laugh and cheered me up. It's very funny'.  Now whoa, that's good marketing material. Especially now when we're all coming out of this long haul lockdown madness into a new world where