
Showing posts from September, 2021

Slight Panic - My Debut with Live Flash Drama

 So it's the run up to a big event... I'm writing Lockdown Unleashed for the new Hotwells Festival. All very exciting but slightly nerve wracking.  I know I can do it. Write it, direct it, but I'm also aware no writer ever knows how an audience will respond to their work until, well, it happens. And it almost certainly depends on the audience. I just  have to push aside all the things that could go wrong. The three linked monologues - same character, each one slightly later in time and slightly different in circumstance, ie further on through lockdown - each have a story and each develop the overall story. A bit like a TV series but these are mini, each monologue about seven minutes long. Something akin to a flash fiction book where very short pieces of stand alone fiction are put together to form a book, which also tells a story overall. I always thought this was mind blowingly clever and I've somehow managed to do it myself with flash drama. Ooo now there's a new