
Showing posts from November, 2021

My New Book of Poems - Which Wrote Itself

The next book, that has been sitting on my floor as a pile of papers, is finally in order. It is in my computer in a word document. It suddenly looks like a book. Very exciting! This one was another born out of lockdown, inspired during walks by the sea in my home town. Strangely for such a dreadful, isolated eighteen months, it has been one of my most creative patches ever. Creativity was a way of saving my sanity. Whilst it produced something tangible and beautiful, the output was almost a by product of my need to engage deeply with nature.  Walking every day by the sea, as I did, was a very powerful way to calm myself and lift my mood. The Severn Estuary is a huge expanse of water that rushes in and out at 4 -6 knots, rising and falling over fourteen metres on the biggest tides. The water changes all the time, reflecting the clouds or sun to vary in colour,  anything from deep purple to turquoise blue to a fine mesh of silver. Extraordinary, astonishing and extremely beautiful.  As