Post Book Slump or Fecund Fallow?
So 'Sibling Poets', the book written with my brother Jonathan, is finally out of the door. It is already on web-sites for pre-order (well done Waterstones for being first) and soon a wonderful box of books with my name on the front will appear at my door. The day after we signed off the proofs I went into a post book slump. I half expected it after the pressure and constant to-ing and fro-ing over detail and correction and further proof reading and correction in what felt like a never ending cycle. We'd finally made it. To that pause between proof read and publication. I felt tired, listless and as though I would never write anything again, a most unusual state for me. One day, I thought, of tea and rest and soothing chores, one day of not thinking about the book and what needed doing, and I would be back to normal, whatever that is. It wasn't as though I had nothing to write. I have a new collection of poems that needs organising and forming into a book. I have...