Proof Reading. Again. And Again.

What have I learned whilst proof reading today?

Mainly, that sea salt and balsamic vinegar (from Modena, no less) crisps do not go well, if at all, with lemon, ginger and manuka honey tea.  To be fair, I probably knew this already. However the deep concentration needed to proof read made me briefly forget when my body told me it was thirsty and also, that it needed salt. Too many cups of normal tea (together with that well known combination of chocolate - a marriage made in the place where angels sing and dance) and a focus on the words on screen, led me, temporarily, not to think about anything else. The upshot is I have finished half a huge packet of salty crisps but not the lemon, ginger and manuka honey tea, and am now even more thirsty. 

So, apart from  mismatched beverages and edibles? Hmmm... that it feels a bit like being stuck in a long motorway traffic queue, inching forward and then stopping again. And when you switch lanes hoping to better your ability to move forward, you watch in dismay as the huge orange lorry that has been behind you all the way, now inches ahead in the lane you just left. 

No doubt this process will come to an end as all things do. I have read it so many times I almost know all the poems by heart. For now, I will keep reading and hope that this time, however much I like our book, it really is the last time I go through the proofs of 'Sibling Poets'.


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