Which Writing Project Comes Next?

My cat is sitting on my keyboard making this challenging to write. She is purring her pretty paws off in a very contented way, whilst I stretch and strain around her. How simple her life; purr, sleep, eat, hunt, repeat. 

Today I am weighing up which project comes next. The cat has her paws on one, is that the one  to choose? 

The choices are; look for another offer on my finished novel (I turned down the first), edit and improve the play I wrote last year to promote the collection of poetry, Tidelines, now somewhat stuck it feels interminably at a publishers, or start an entirely new project of which I have two in my head. Both books, one poetry, one non fiction. Both a great deal of work, the poetry book probably the lesser. 

How does one choose? Do I go with what I feel like doing, but no doubt will get heartily sick of at times? Back to the comedy and idiocy of the play, which is also useful as it holds several of the poems from the new collection Tidelines. I felt it would be a more entertaining way of selling a poetry collection than simply reading poems. And it is funny. It is also an awful lot of work even once written with rehearsals, organising venues etc.

I realise I have made an assumption in the title. I do not have to choose a writing project, I could simply choose to just write more material of one or more of the projects, or create something entirely new which happens to inspire me at the time. 

I'll let you know. 


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