Style Pages

Ah, the mysteries of style pages! How do you tell a graphic designer how you want your book to look? 

It's a bit like telling a hairdresser what style hair you want. It never quite seems to look how you expect even if you have a picture of what you want. Your hair is different from the model's and anyway, you're probably 30 years older. (And then try repeating the new style at home once you wash you hair!).

So it is with style pages. I have an idea in my head. I'd like it to look something like 'book x' but when the pages come back they look nothing like. My interpretation and theirs is clearly very different, or maybe it's like my hair, the unruly words won't be squashed into shape. 

It's an iterative process requiring goodwill and patience on both sides. Until one day, the style pages arrive and suddenly, it looks like the book - more or less - you had in mind. Exciting! 


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