Help - Need Inspiration

I have agreed to write something for the upcoming Hotwells Festival. How exciting is that? And how truly terrifying as I have nothing I prepared earlier. 

My throat is throttled with a fluttering starling trying to get out. My brain is like ice cream, frozen. What the f**k is going on?? 

I'm not usually like this. I have stacks of material. I have stacks of ideas. Usually. Not this time. 

Is it something to do with the Hotwells Festival feeling more grown up this time? It had its birth two years ago, a phoenix rising out of lockdown with fiery enthusiasm and a bunch of mates doing an Amazing job. Shoestrings and chewing gum come to mind. And it was brilliant.

And this time? Is there an expectation it will all be more slick, polished, perfect?  Or is it simply I haven't written anything and I'm just in a plain old state of panic??


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